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          溫馨行動 part-2 溫馨行動 part-2:寫信給百萬人民倒扁運動總指揮施明德先生,幫他加油打氣。http://tingspa 租屋ce.com/blog/index.php?topic=3000.0反貪意志 酒店兼職調查:網路活動,持續進行中。請網友踴躍到下列網址投票。h 酒店打工ttp://tingspace.com/blog/index.php?topic=2863.0電腦教學:07.21(六)安 節能燈具琪兒和阿美第15次電腦教學,教夥伴上網。親子郊遊:07.22(日)貓空纜車之旅。上午 10:15 至 1 房屋買賣1:00 集合。外語活動:07.22(日)8:00pm Alex英語教學,帶大家學會話。            &nbs 節能燈具p;    (每週三句,po在此主題下,供夥伴複習。) 天使行動:     07.26(四)7:40pm 出發至地檢署加油打氣。   西裝外套   07.27(五)7:40pm 出發至地方法院加油打氣。  紅幕行動:7.27(五) 上午審理馬永成、林德訓;下午吳淑珍準備庭。    &nb 591sp;            每日聚會:每天晚上 7:00~10:00 聚會地點:台北新公園(二二八)衡陽路入口左側池畔涼亭 歡迎有空的紅衫夥伴過來閒聊話倒扁, 酒店兼職凝聚向心力,繼續倒扁行動。 各項活動聚會風雨無阻。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 九份民宿  .

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          「山美的人更需要」山美部落的救災帳戶:郵政劃撥31363101 郭瑞霞,註明「山美救災」。 「山美的人更需要」 ◎ 王素娥 八 房屋買賣八水災,眼看著阿里山地區的雨量已經累積到兩千九 土地買賣百毫米,心想:我在山上鄒族 的親戚恐怕要糟了。 七日至九日三天, 房屋仲介網剛好是特富野的小米收穫祭(homeyaya),除了返鄉的遊子帶來許多朋友,還有很多國內外 租房子的研究生來此採訪紀錄祭儀,這些訪客被困在山上,使得本來已經不足的糧食更加吃緊。事實上,鄒族人是自己餓著? 售屋網{子,把存糧留給客人吃的。助弱與分享,是鄒族人自古傳下來的美德。女兒嫁給鄒族特富野青年雅柏甦詠,災後,我惦念姻親們的災情?港式飲茶荍穭漟L策。我聯絡女兒給我特富野部落的捐款帳戶號碼。女兒想了一下說:「捐給山美吧,他們比我們更慘。」我說:「那麼兩邊的帳戶都給我吧。」她 台北港式飲茶不假思索的回答:「山美的人更需要。」於是,手機簡訊只傳來山美部落的救災帳戶:郵政劃撥31363101 郭瑞霞,註明「山美救災」……。 女兒成為鄒族媳婦還不到兩?商務中心~,我一方面心疼她夫家的災損,一方面也為她已擁有鄒族助弱與分享的美德而感到驕傲。 希望「助弱與分享」的美德能夠傳布全台灣,如此,才能讓台灣更快復原。 (作者為台灣博物?宜蘭民宿]志工)http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2009/new/aug/18/today-o5.htm .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 墾丁民宿  .

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          漢翔登陸 綠批國防工業通敵 ,「中國是台灣的敵國,發展國防工業的公司,怎能跟中國合作?」 漢翔登陸 綠批國防工業通敵 〔記者邱燕玲、歐 小額信貸祥義/台北報導〕負責研製戰機等國防武器裝備的漢翔公司,現正與中國進行 小型辦公室合作計畫,立法院民進黨團總召蔡同榮昨在立院召開記者會時不滿表示,「中國是台灣的敵國?裝潢A發展國防工業的公司,怎能跟中國合作?」他質疑台灣國防機密將因此外洩、傳入中國,呼籲經濟部停止這項 借貸計畫,否則民進黨將向經濟部表達嚴重抗議。 經濟部指出,按照航太產業特性,漢翔公司早年參與多項歐美先進航太廠商(有九國?辦公室出租Q六家知名廠商)民用飛機設計及製造案,與軍用業務在人員、組織、場地、資訊上早就有妥善區隔保密的機制,並成熟運作,對軍機外洩的顧慮已有 酒店經紀妥善的管理作為。漢翔:機密已做妥善管理 漢翔公司也表示,此案基本上是一單純的國際競標業務承攬案,且該公司與軍方對軍機外洩的顧慮已有妥善的管理作為。 信用卡代償 國民黨團首席副書記長呂學樟對國防機密會否因此外流,則認為「應該還好」,但呼籲政府部門應做好相關利弊得失的評估。 蔡同榮在記者會中指出,漢翔有八十%的業務來自軍方 591,是台灣很重要的國防工業公司,不應該以賺錢為目的;且中國是台灣的敵國,怎麼會讓發展國防工業的公司和敵國合作? 蔡同榮說,怪不得現在美國很憂心賣給台灣的先進武器會洩漏給中國,他要求馬?信用卡代償F府應懸崖勒馬,停止這個計畫,否則民進黨為了台灣的安全,會向馬政府發動嚴正抗議。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 禮服  .

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          暖暖的太陽在曬火車頭 每天早上7:55分 在苗栗車站進站  開往我最嚮往的花東線的莒光號 我發四 有一天 我要去  台鐵每年都要來一次大改點 今年六月又即將要改點了 這些 我熟悉的車次 又要再次被打亂了 火車 或許笨重不迷人 火車 或許老態不討喜 但是 我依舊喜歡見到 任何一車次的列車 某天我早上八點 在鐵道旁 正打算回烏日去 搬家的噩夢 終於在 吳哥窟今天要畫下句點了 搬家 真的 是我不敢再去想的事情 暫時告別 緩緩離去的火車 我的旅程 永遠都寄託給你 希望 有一天 你可以帶我飛奔而去 載我回家的區間車 即將給我歸鄉的心情 雖然常常回娘家 但是每當踏上車廂 總是高興 窗外飛逝而過的景象 總是無法抓住每一個畫面 人生道路的停停留留 誰 保濕面膜也沒法保證一個永遠的承諾 遇到了 錯過了 失去了 留下來的 誰又真正擁有 一列列擦身而過的火車 快速無情 望著遠離的身影 每個人心中是否能有些人事物 還存著一絲絲遺憾呢 火車 有下一站停靠的月台 有終點站 有人等待著 但是 人生 是否有預設的下一站  是否願意停靠 而找到終點站呢 來來往往的火車 去去 長灘島留留的人生 平行的鐵道 孤獨的人生  黎明與夜深 依舊是黑色的背影  無助的往人生的每一站尋求停靠 守鐵道 看盡人生的悲歡離合 等火車 聽見內心最深處的話 每一個車頭 會拖著一整列的幸福 往無止盡的天邊而去 搭上車的男男女女 隨著火車的飛奔 能遇見人生幸運草 緩緩離去 似乎在向我招手說再見 希望 每個人都可以得到自己 關鍵字行銷想要的快樂與生活 太陽的露臉 讓我朝你而來 你發著光的傲氣 讓我久等 再遲再久都想邀你來曬太陽 今天溫暖的陽光 你感受到了嗎?? 為你而來的我 為你而出現的我 想要陪你一起在月台上 曬曬太陽 PS  太魯閣號 真不好拍 太快了   一天可以拍的車次只有兩個    但是 我願意 明天再來  我要好好抓住你最美麗的身影喔 太陽沒有十字 烤肉 但是仍然給我溫暖與動力 也給車站很多的溫暖與生命力 讓我一個人來到無人的車站裡 不害怕 不恐慌 繼續等待著 每一個車次 每一個呼嘯而過的身影 清靜的鐵道 總是讓我將心情降到最低 我會從頭拾起情緒 喜怒哀樂都將歸零 再一分心情一點快樂 慢慢集結成文字 我寫在鐵道上 帶給每列車與車上的人 希望 期待 快樂 開心 通通送給你 太陽下的陰影 成了最美的 九份民宿影子 人生中的擔心 成了最痛的負荷 牽掛著 擔憂著 每一天一直在 寄託藍天下會經過鐵道上的火車  請帶往不知名的鄉鎮或是大草原 讓我的憂愁 隨著你的聲音遠離 靜靜的遠遠的 不回頭的拋開吧 這些數字 總是漆上在鐵道上的每根桿子上 數字 也陪我曬太陽 咱們一起等火車來吧 一起曬曬冬天的太陽 儘管風吹來依然很冷 但是 我的背 暖暖的 我的心 暖暖的 謝謝你 陪我。。。 澎湖民宿。。 看火車聽火車 今天我與火車的約定 火車都感應到了嗎?? 每一車次 不像往日呼嘯而過 都緩慢的過站不停  陪我曬太陽 陪我看 陪我聽見 最美的聲音 唯一靠站的阿福號 帶著裝白癡的面具 慢慢靠近我 曬太陽的黃色尖嘴與藍色猴腮  陪我一起發現心情的秘密 與  等火車 曬火車的快樂 鐵道的無情 僅供火車通過 從不過問火車的喜怒哀樂 也不關心 多少人即將分別與相聚 長長的盡頭 遠 關鍵字廣告在天邊 有誰在乎  平日少見的紅斑馬 進站前的鳴笛 是否與我打招呼呢 緩緩經過月台 似乎刻意放慢腳步 陪我曬太陽 直到遠遠得盡頭 我都看在眼裡 也在心裡 跟你說再見喔 紅斑馬過後 即將靠近的是莒光號  也是我今天最後 曬的一個火車頭喔 今天的火車頭 都放慢速度陪我曬了太陽 讓我心裡暖暖的 不知道天冷 還是有段時間沒拍火車了 一個車次一張照片 我累了 我想休息了 火車的停靠 火車的過站不停 永遠  花蓮民宿在我心裡 都是最美的身影 也是我最喜歡看見的畫面與聽見的聲音 火車 永遠向前跑 火車永遠都背負著重重的殼 與任務 希望 我可以學你一樣 有個人生的目標 與任務 而不要只是天冷想曬太陽 或是 天熱想躲太陽 我要學你勇敢奔馳在如無情的鐵道的人生路上 我也要學你 勤勞親切認真的停靠每一個月台 我更要學你 勇往直前 前進到想要去的地方 儘管  那是陌生的地方  或是不知名的小鎮  或是 只有我一個人  20 禮服10/1/13  .

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          粗纖小狗餅乾 材料:a 麵粉 220g (我用低筋100g+中筋120g)b 麩皮 30gc 小麥胚 關鍵字排名芽 10gd 粗玉米 資產管理公司粉corn meal 50ge 綜合五穀 租屋粉 40gf (三多牌)膳食纖維 20gg 水160g 室內裝潢 做法:1. 將abcdef放在缸盆中混合均勻, 加入水用手捏塑成糰狀 烤肉食材. 分成兩三塊, 蓋上保鮮膜略為鬆弛20分鐘.2. 分別將麵糰桿平成0.3cm的厚度, 用模子 房屋買賣壓花. 3. 預熱烤箱至160~170度, 烤盤鋪上防沾紙或撒些麵粉, 將壓好的餅乾排盤, 烘烤約30分鐘至乾 二胎. (略為上色後可降溫再悶烤至乾). KO註:1. 我的餅乾在烘烤20分後取出, 刷上一層薄薄蛋水, 再入爐烘烤10分?節能燈具? 蛋的味道可吸引我家小狗食慾. 2. 剩下的麵皮部分我搓成直徑0.8cm小長條棍狀. 再用菜刀切成小塊狀. 表面略噴少許烤盤油. 入爐烘 商務中心烤至乾. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 租屋網  .

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          跑完馬拉松賽 免費暢遊綠博 宜蘭縣政府4月19日要舉辦「宜蘭國道五號全國馬拉松」比賽,已有二千多人報名,縣府為了讓馬拉松結合即將登場綠色博覽會活動,縣長?西服f國華昨天上午再「加碼」,跑完各里程賽者,憑券再送綠博門票一張。 呂國華說,他平時就 西裝喜歡慢跑,所以要報名21公里組馬拉松比賽,這次活動特別搭配公益捐助,選手每跑1公里,縣府要捐1元做公益; 商務中心縣府還邀請同樣熱愛跑步的馬英九總統前來,馬總統很可能會來共襄盛舉,一起上國道跑個痛快。 蘭城晶英酒店配合活動,選手可 建築設計以憑報名繳費收據,以3999元入住三款房型,1萬7千元至1萬2千元的4人房,還附送早餐,20間優惠套房已被預訂一空,縣府將陸續接洽友愛大飯店、礁溪?婚禮佈置贗u業者,提供優惠房間參與促銷活動。 馬拉松比賽當天正值宜蘭綠色博覽會展出,呂國華說,為帶動觀光效益,參加各里程馬拉松者,不管是5公里健康路跑組,還是 辦公室出租10公里、21公里半程馬拉松,42公里全程馬拉松,只要跑完,就送綠博門票一張。 縣府表示,這場馬拉松比賽,4月19日清晨6時開跑,下午1時結束,會派車上國道「清場」,把沒跑完?有巢氏房屋漸U來。當天凌晨2時封閉北宜高部分南下路段,到下午2時。網路報名至本月13日,民眾可上網 http://blog.ilc.edu.tw/blog/blog/1593 。 今年綠色博覽會以「牛」為主題,園區內規劃的FUN牛館、 裝潢鐵牛館、童話牧場、蝸牛館、牛頓館及休閒農業區等「五館一區」,都以牛為主題,園區內各項設施正陸續趕工中。 宜蘭縣議員陳正男說,現在經濟這麼不景氣,大家過得苦哈哈,建請縣府同意讓蘇澳鎮民免費入園參觀。 長灘島縣府農業處長陳福解釋,今年綠博的門票比往年更低,且縣內國、中小學生入內參觀都不收費,已經很優惠了,若要再讓蘇澳鎮民免費入園,確實有困難,但相信今年的低票價策略,應該不會對縣民造成太大的負擔。 【2009/03/10 聯合報?東森房屋j  .

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          下雪了 思源埡口積雪20公分 推土機剷雪 天氣濕冷,海拔不到2千公尺的宜蘭縣思源埡口,今天清 訂做禮服晨降下入冬以來第一場雪,雪?租房子嶍伬腹A積雪最深達20公分,一度造成人車受 永慶房屋困。當地民眾表示,拜地形之賜,思源埡口每隔幾年就會下一場令人 住商房屋印象深刻的大雪,上一次下雪是在2、3年前。 入冬以來第一波寒流發威,全 結婚台冷颼颼,加上水氣充足,海拔高度1948公尺,位於台中縣及宜蘭縣交界處的宜蘭縣思源埡口, 好房網降下入冬以來的第一場雪。 當地住民表示,台七甲線思源埡口是南湖大山支脈和桃山支脈的最低鞍部,蘭陽溪與大甲溪?借貸漱壑蘉迭A寒冬時如果水氣充足,就有機會降下片片白雪;這次的雪況就很宜人,積雪最深15到20公分,路面也有3到5公分的積雪,有 商務中心車輛應變不及,打滑受困當地。公路局獨立山工務段接獲通報,出動推土機從36公里一路向上到49公里,沿途剷雪13公里長的路段,受困人車?辦公室出租~脫困。 2010/12/26 中廣新聞 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 辦公室出租  .

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          宜蘭旅遊~宜蘭員山橫山頭百年生態水圳步道之二 各位好友,肯吉又來到橫山頭休閒農業區囉!橫山頭的由來是因為有一個小山橫在兩座大山中間而來的喔! 大家還記得在員山的橫山頭休閒農業區有一條百年水圳生態步道嗎? 肯吉曾經告訴各位 酒店兼職好友它是有分環山路段跟平原路段兩個部分,之前肯吉已帶大家稍稍了解了平原線,因為環境的保護問題,跟安全的考量,環山路段並不做全面性的公開。 百年環山水圳步道若有?房屋二胎魚鴙n前來體驗一下的話,可是須提出申請,由專業的解說員帶領才能前往喔! 今天肯吉很榮幸由橫山頭休閒農業區推動管理委員會的主任委員~邱主委親自擔任解說,請大家跟肯吉來體驗一下吧 商務中心! 百年環山水圳步道是從大坑水壩起沿山麓(半山腰)至太陽埤北側下平地供內城三甲地區稻田、農地灌溉使用,全長二公里。 沿途動物、植物種類繁多,稀有的更是不少,生態非常的豐富,看到下圖中有一種刺刺?澎湖民宿煽茠奎隉H那就是籐條喔! 而這就是以前人家拿來做簑衣的木棕! 接下來這是水冬瓜,它的果實是洗一洗,再把蒂撥掉就可以吃囉! 但是並不是每一種果實都可以吃喔!看看這水同木,它的果實就不能生吃,但卻是松鼠的最愛 新成屋喔! 肯吉再請大家看看!這是長滿附生植物的是甚麼樹?它可是一棵百年的龍眼喔! 這棵板根植物是叫做九重吹,意思是說九重的風都吹不動它,你相信嗎? 這也是九重吹,但是你有發現它是兩顆嗎?聽說有一段淒美的愛情故事喔!所以當地人稱它?花蓮民宿陘狻d樹耶! 小心!請注意喔!地上有很多小蛙蛙!它們是叫做澤蛙哦! 喂!除了注意腳下以外,還要注意頭上喔!這是人稱黑寡婦的人面蜘蛛! 哇!這就是要冒生命危險與黑寡婦傳宗接代的公蜘蛛,好小一隻。 來此走一趟絕對讓你驚喜不巳,水流湍急,清涼 關鍵字行銷有勁! 咦?他們在幹嘛? 哦!原來是在觀察水草裡的黑殼蝦啦! 還有喔!若你注意看就會發現水圳內快速游動的魚,那可是台灣?魚,也就是俗稱的苦花喔! 來到水圳中段,從此處往平地望去,美不勝收、心曠神怡。這裡也是冬天候鳥來台時的最愛! 水質清涼冰冷,就像是廣告 裝潢中說的晶瑩剔透,水源主要是來自雪山山脈匯流下來的山泉水,源源不絕從未間斷。 看看這出水口,是水管破了嗎?不是啦!這樣就可以使山下有水囉!厲害吧! 來到這還有一個特殊的景觀哦!這特殊景觀的地名叫做石縫山。 這些石頭的切割,可都是大自然的力量喔! 走著走著約為二小時的時間百年 澎湖民宿水圳步道已到了盡頭囉! 希望大家來宜蘭旅遊時,能夠愛護宜蘭的好山好水,來此體驗千萬要配合解說員的指引解說,不要破壞環境生態及製造髒亂哦! 橫山頭休閒農業區推動管理委員會 地  址:員山鄉內城村榮光路490 號聯絡電話:03-9229809網址 :www.hstou.comE-mail:morise.li@msa.hinet.net 開幕活動  .

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          「慢城」哲學,另外一種生活方式 「慢城」哲學,另外一種生活方式 新的城市哲學悄悄在歐洲一些小城裡誕生,這套哲學叫做「慢」。繼多年在義大利發起的慢食文化(slow food)後,「慢城運動」也逐漸興起。「慢城運動」發源地仍然是在義大利,目前當地已有42個城市宣稱是慢城,而全歐洲境內,包括 澎湖民宿波蘭、奧地利、西班牙、葡萄牙、挪威、德國、法國、英國、瑞士已有數十個城市加入,甚至亞洲的日本及韓國也有慢城,德國境內則有六個慢城。歐洲的慢城多半是中古世紀的小城,人口只有幾萬人之譜。 沒有汽車、沒有連鎖店、沒有霓虹 房屋出租燈 慢城內不能行駛汽車,只有行人徒步區。城內不能賣速食,包括麥當勞、星巴克等連鎖店和超市都應禁止,城內不准有霓虹燈,平常週四和周日店面都不營業。慢城保留現代文明的特色,但是回歸歐洲中古世紀的生活速度。慢城支持都市綠化、風力發電以 永慶房屋及小型農作有機經營,慢城保留地方特色,比如支持以山城傳統蜜蜂色灰色料粉刷房屋,慢城反污染、反噪音、反量化。慢城不反對使用網路,也不反對以網路做為行銷通路。一般店鋪開始賣傳統地方特色的東西,如有機香腸、手工巧克力,甚至一些獨立少量製作的起司。慢城?G2000M一般定義下的「甜蜜生活」的境界就十分接近。慢城主義其實是一種品味主義。沒有品味便沒有生活質感。慢城主義是提升生活品質的一種訴求。 慢慢來,享受生活,否則你急什麼? 中國人喜歡講「請慢用」,其實是一種很高境界的生活哲學,台灣住在像台北這種大城市裡生活其實是很緊?酒店工作i的,早上大家搭捷運去上班,擠得像沙丁魚一樣,下班時同樣再擠一次。中午得匆匆忙忙的吃個午餐,又要準備上班。白天上班,晚上與假日還得加班,公司的壓力與上司的壓力都可能讓你透不過氣來。 街上到處是汽車與喇叭聲,人潮洶湧。餐廳都是連鎖的速食店或台式自助餐與買便當吃,食物中不是放了一 設計裝潢堆農藥,就是放了好幾層的防腐劑。到了晚上,大家上酒廊、下館子,聽高分貝的音樂,看五光十色的霓虹燈。每個人愈來愈胖,年少得病的人愈來愈多,有憂鬱症的人也是飛速增加。 追男女朋友、結婚、買房子、買汽車、繳貸款,還得怕失業,也怕自己的另一半有外遇,碰到物價高漲,老闆也不加薪,每天生活緊張兮兮的。 訂做禮服 大家都忘了,其實生活是一種享受。否則每天急來急去的,到最後,除了讓自己的身體容易變壞,家庭容易失和以外,過著這種緊張的生活,又會有什麼收獲。 台灣還沒有出現「慢城」 台灣的一些鄉村,特別是原住民山村,生活的步調也是比較慢的,雖然也比較沒有那麼富有,但是生活卻是比城市的人要快樂。在歐洲「慢城」都變成了觀光區, 售屋網住在慢城的人也可以作觀光生意,照樣可以賺錢,而大家的生活則是幽閒度日、享樂生活。在台灣,可惜還是沒有人開始推動這個「慢城」的觀念,是有點可惜。 上回報紙提到一位在新竹科學園區當工程師的年輕人,辭職,將大樓公寓房子賣掉,然後到頭份鄉下買一棟別墅,再以開計程車為生。仔細算過,房款會提前繳完,每個月可用與可存的錢比在科學園區 宜蘭民宿上班還要好,上班時間少,也沒有什麼工作壓力。這也是一種選擇,另外一種慢步調的生活選擇。大部份的人不敢、也沒有勇氣去過這樣的日子。因為大部份人所追求的還是名利及無意義的「享樂主義」。 文獻參考 聯合報,2007.10.03 02:31 am .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 售屋網  .

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          天倫道場陳點傳師前往王領導富德佛堂 向王夫人慶祝中秋節快樂 天倫道場陳點傳師前往王領導富德佛堂  向王夫人慶祝中秋節快樂 王法無私秉至公 朝修聖道理弘揚 慶宣妙諦頹風挽 領導天倫返故宮 天倫道場陳點傳師等,訂於民國一○○年九月四日(星期日)下午,帶領幾位人才,前往天倫道場故王領導點傳師的佛堂,拜訪王領導的夫人,也就是富德佛堂的壇主。王夫人目前高齡九十一歲,耳聰目明,健步如飛,身體非常健康。陳點傳師等特地贈送綿薄禮物,敬 住商房屋祝中秋節快樂,身體健康。 俗語說飲水要思源,吃水果要拜樹頭,只因為圓覺大帝的一句話,王領導點傳師毅然離家鄉,別父母,拋妻離子,於民國四十七年三月五日,前來彰化天倫本堂駐堂,指導一切道務之運作,讓天倫道場小有成就,這都是王領導=點傳師,捨身辦道所得來的成果也。最重要的,彰化天倫道場歷經五十多年來,魔考重重,但是王領導點傳師,謹抱天命金線,尊師重道,心懷精忠大義,不被 烤肉任何外來的人情或利益所動搖,才能穩住道場,讓後學們繼續修辦,渡化有緣眾生,共歸覺路。 早期入鸞,深信因果,因為王領導點傳師居家附近,有一間鸞堂:「啟化堂」,常常有仙佛臨壇濟世,審判因果。因此王領導點傳師在耳濡目染下,十八歲時即進入鸞堂,為恩主效勞。時常聽到王領導講述在鸞堂所看到的典故,王領導點傳師說:鸞堂有文乩、武乩之分,文乩手執桃柳筆在砂盤上寫字,然後由筆錄生抄寫下來,再轉呈 租屋宣講生宣講,傳達神意;武乩則是仙佛附身以後開口,以供信徒求問事情。王領導指出:如果是觀世音菩薩、孔老夫子等仙佛臨壇,乩生的動作非常文雅,砂盤出字,緩慢又溫文儒雅;如果是關聖帝君、岳武穆、岳飛等武將臨壇,則是威嚴肅穆,出字時速度很快又大力書寫,常常將砂盤震得震耳欲聾。又審判因果時,例如前世是生意人,買賣時偷斤減兩,這世他的五官就沒有福德相,而且生活非常清苦;如果前世常常佈施行善,利世益民,這世的 房地產五官長的福德具足,又生活富裕;若前世敬惜字紙,行善積德,禮敬諸天仙佛,這世則五官清秀,會當縣、市、鄉公所的公務人員;如果遇到玉皇大天尊玄靈高上帝要降臨,則先風雨交加,謂之:「風雨掃塵埃」,恩主借鸞筆指示福德正神十里以外迎接,城隍爺五里以外迎接聖駕。以上點點滴滴,聞之令人動容,證明王領導點傳師在小時候的心靈上,烙印出深信宇宙間確實有聖神仙佛的存在,以及因果報應,一點都不差錯。 民國三十九年,因緣成熟,適逢陳炳煌 烤肉食材點傳師前來南投傳道,王領導幸遇楊炳堂點傳師、蕭懷德點傳師的渡化,求得至尊至貴的一貫大道,求道以後,如雷貫耳,拳拳服膺,將以前菸酒不離身的壞習慣,頓時改掉。當聽到蕭懷德點傳師講述:「肉字本是兩個人,迷人不知大口吞,有人識得其中意,原來即是人吃人。」的道理以後,隨即清口茹素,不沾葷腥,之後不斷接近佛堂,經過前賢大德們的慈悲成全,才開悟到上天降道的因緣,適逢三期末劫,人心不古,各種災難劫煞現在眼前,人民生命朝不保夕,危在旦夕,眾生?濾桶j六道,永不停止,只有求道、學道、修道、行道,才可以了道、成道。因此體認一貫道是末法眾生得救的一盞明燈,因此,隨即開設佛堂,到處渡化眾生,共歸覺路。王領導點傳師求道、清口、開堂以後,開始渡化左鄰右舍,親朋妻友、啟化堂鸞生前來求道,求道之後,法喜充滿,明理精進。但是魔考也接踵而至,鸞堂內的董監事都說王領導已經反教,背叛恩主,拜的是邪教、鴨蛋教,不論王領導如何辯解,都沒有人相信,無動於衷。有一次,仙佛臨壇,王領導點傳師就請示仙佛曰:「本庄?591酗H都說一貫道是邪教,說本人背叛恩主,所拜的是邪教,請示一貫道到底是真還是假?」當時大進宮(啟化堂隔壁)福德正神降壇曰:「一心有意善修身,貫徹始終莫妄陳,道理靈明通大道,真理難啟賴師真。」福德正神用一貫道真的藏頭詩,說明一貫道是真理天道,絕對是真的,這首詩的意思是:一心一意前來學道,修身養性,一定要貫徹始終,絕對不能中途變節,或聽別人道聽塗說,一貫道是一條靈明的通天大道,如果真理難以明瞭,要趕快求得活佛師尊以及月慧菩薩孫師母的大道,才能得救。自此以後,鸞 房地產生不再毀謗一貫道,鸞生前來求道的絡驛不絕。王領導點傳師回家以後,詳閱:「關聖帝君明聖經」,內中記載了:「希賢希聖由天命,學禮學詩聽自然」。也就是修道希望以後能夠修成聖賢,一定要有天命明師授記,一般學問是個人累世因果,順其自然就可以;又曰:「入上乘之班,步上乘之門,吾不怪,而且快然。」也就是說雖然以前入任何教門,如果再求得更上乘的法門,吾是不會見怪,而且還會很高興呢!王領導自此以後,群疑頓釋,心想大道這麼尊貴,仙佛以及經典都在印證,真實不虛。此後便一心一意,弘揚大道,渡化?買屋魚t人,求道、修道,共歸覺路。 王領導非常重視天倫道場的建設,雖然他老人家已經成道了,但是時常前來道場顯化,打幫助道,讓天倫道場興建其間,一帆風順。每次興建灌漿以後,都下著濛濛細雨,讓所有工作人員感應到王領導點傳師,以及上天的無量鴻恩。天倫道場謹訂於國曆十一月二十七日,舉行安座大典,到時候,邀請王夫人全家大小,蒞臨共襄盛舉,同霑法喜。 陳點傳師講述王領導點傳師生前的點點滴滴,令王夫人聽完以後,法喜充滿,開懷大笑,因為道場還有要事要辦,陳點傳師等一行,在四點鐘時離開,大家互道珍重再見。 東森房屋  .

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          Burma’s Bleak Prospect in 2009 Will the Year of the Ox Move Burma Forward? Burma’s Bleak Prospect in 2009 By WAI MOE Tuesday, December 30, 2008 All parties in Burma can expect 2009 to be a busier year than the one now ending as the country heads for a general election in 2010, with uncertainty and many more challenges to be faced. The election will be the fifth stage of the 租房子 seven-step “road map” to a system of “disciplined democracy” unveiled by the ruling generals in August 2003. The year 2009 will be consequently quite exciting. The military junta, their cronies and proxy parties will be preparing for victory, applying various strategies to achieve that result. According to the state-r 西裝外套un media, Burmese government ministers and leading members of the regime-backed Union Solidarity and Development Association have been making field trips to rural areas, meeting with local people. These trips were seen as part of the preparations for the coming election. However, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) said in a forecast for 襯衫Burma that the military junta would face serious challenges ahead of the 2010 election, despite maintaining its firm grip on power in the next two years.The EIU said the political scene in Burma would be volatile as the public held the military in intense abhorrence because of its handling of the Cyclone Nargis disaster and the military’s brutal suppres 酒店工作sion of the September 2007 demonstrations. Diplomats at the UN also hope that democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will be released from house-arrest in 2009. There are rumors that she could be freed as early as January, perhaps as a strategy to appease western governments and critics before confining her again in her home.The EIU, however, doesn’t share those hopes or b 酒店經紀elieve the rumors. It said in its December report: “There is little prospect that Aung San Suu Kyi will be released from house-arrest ahead of the election.” In September 2008, the junta released Suu Kyi’s former associate, the veteran journalist Win Tin, after 18 years’ imprisonment.After his release, Win Tin attempted to reorganize Suu Ky’s National League for Democracy (NLD). 帛琉 The party re-launched its regular weekly meetings of the Central Executive Committee – since 2003 these meetings had been held randomly. He also held a regular roundtable called “Youth and the Future” at the party’s headquarters. Suu Kyi had previously participated in the discussions.Win Tin also visited family members of political prisoners to offer moral support. This initiative, called the “White 小額信貸 Campaign,” was previously carried out by the 88 Generation Students group led by prominent pro- democracy activist Min Ko Naing and former student leaders, most of whom are now in jail. It is expected that the NLD will become more dynamic in 2009, and some party members expect reforms that will replace ageing leaders with younger people.So far, however, the NLD has kept quiet about the election. It did call in 網路行銷September, though, for a review by the regime of the military-sponsored constitution. Predicting Burma’s future is not easy, although the EIU said in its report: “Nevertheless, it is still unlikely that any attempt to overthrow the military would succeed, as the armed forces can be expected to remain vigilant and will crack down hard on any signs of gathering protest.” It added that internal conflict is the most likely obstacle to 小型辦公室 smooth progress by the military in implementing its plans. The health of junta leader Snr-Gen Than Shwe is a factor in the election run-up, the EIU suggests. By making two trips within as many recent weeks to the cyclone-devastated Irrawaddy delta, Than Shwe has shown the world, however, that he’s in good health and that he remains firmly in control. Burma’s future thus remains as bleak as ever.http://www.irrawaddy.org/highlight.php?art_id 永慶房屋=14860  .

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          The Brief Biography of the Union of Burma (Part 1) location Map of Myanmar Map of the Union of Burma(Myanmar' former name) The Brief Biography of the Union of Burma (Part 1) By/Young Tai March 3 , 2006 : The Sunday discussion program (11th Feb, 2007) for the 60th anniversary Union Day of Burma on DVB by the title of “why we dare not mention the word Federalism” becomes one of the most interesting topics and it gives us more thoughts for further discussion [Ref# 1]. This regards the ideas of genuine union or genuine federalism for the Union of Burma that almost all ethnic politicians and some Burmese politicians and observers view and analyze with optimism, as paramount to reform of the Union of Burma. The discussion points are hitting the exact target of the problem of Burma. As an expert elder said, there are only three kinds of constitutional system of a country, Unitary, Federation and Confederation. The constitution under a Union country can only be a federation or a confederation. It must not be as unitary. But almost all observers believed and thought widely that the leaders of the military coup regimes such as Ne Win, Than Shwe and so on did not accept the Federal System for the country because they don’t understand any theory of Federalism. They only understand Federalism is secession. If they accept the federal system, the Union country will break up into pieces. So, to save the Union from disappearing into an abyss the military regime have taken the obligations to “save” the country and overthrow the federal proposals and have to coup the democratic government power that they are unable to act and practice so. So that many observers only understand and followed because the military regime gave their “special” reason every time for their coup. So, the theory of union and the way of saving the union in the Union of Burma of the Burmese dictatorship regimes became opposite in meaning and surprised all peoples. But after we have learned the core facts of the collective history of the formation of union of Burma, we shall not believe and have a thought that the leader of the coup military regime and some top Burmese governors and politicians didn’t understand the theory of Federalism and misunderstand the meaning of Federalism for their coup. Even if they really did not understand and accepted misunderstanding, it might be right for the first coup in 1962 because it was still new in world politics. But it is not right for the second coup to overthrow the results of 1990 election. And today, SPDC still cannot accept Federalism and it is not because they still don’t understand the theory of Federalism and misu 室內設計nderstand secession, because that is impossible for today’s human knowledge. It is only just pretending ignorance about genuine federalism. The reason that SPDC can’t accept the Federal system is not more than because they dislike this system. It is not because they don’t know its real meaning. So here, why federal system can not be established in Union of Burma until today becomes an interesting question. Let us together find the possible answer. The aspect and the principle of the condition of Burma today was created in 1940 by the sixteen Burmese comrades (Myanma tha mine wun thwe thawk ye baw se chawk u). These sixteen comrades mixed their blood in a cup and vowed to conquer with their top secret policy in Bangkok before independence when they endeavoured to fight against British colonial rule. The contents of the top secret policy are as follows:-All the land area under the sovereign of British governed must be reached in the hands of Burmese and become the sovereign of Burmese govern only. All the economic in future Burma must only be in the hands of Burmese citizens only. All administrations and defences of the country must only be the voice and the sign of Burmese citizens. High education. High economic. High defence, these parts are deeply important things and must not be in the hands of the ethnic nationalities. To erase and clean the ethnic minorities. Mixed blood policy. Everyone countrywide must be taught to speak Burmese and have Burmese names. Burmese culture, movies, opera, etc. must reach every part of the country. Burmese citizens must extend and relocate to all regions among the hill people. Burmese monks must be travelled for religious propagation to the hill peoples and teach them sermons. They must collect the orphans and send them to Burma (lowland) to every pariyati schools, then teach them language, religion, ideology and culture of Burmese. *from "Vicatara Loka Dipani" by Htao Puen Murng (Lung Khun Maha) So after the end of WWII, when General Aung San and the delegation of the Burma executive council arrived in London having discussed all the matters affecting the future relations between Great Britain and Burma with prime minister Atlee which the people of Burma may achieve their independence, he also claimed to Atlee that he also acted as representing the delegation from the frontier areas too. But he failed, Atlee didn’t accept his claim because he had already learned by telegram from the leaders of the Federated Shan States that reached his hand in time, that General Aung San did not represent any frontier areas 結婚peoples. But at last, he achieved the bargaining point of agreement with Atlee. Annexe II gives an extract from the Aung San – Atlee Agreement. But in Panglong Conference which began since 3rd Feb, 1947 for Shan leaders and Shan State Council, the consequence of the first Panglong Conference in March 1946, General Aung San when he arrived in the Conference on 10th Feb also faced the difficulty again in dealing with Shan State leaders to join the Union with Burma proper because of the case of mutual understanding and the sake of guarantee for future for smaller race. At last, General Aung San have to give with a great controversial investment ‘the right of secession’ for mutual understanding for Shan State and take the immediate cooperation from Shan State to join the Union. Thus, the ‘Panglong Agreement’ narrowly went through on 12th Feb,1947. Then, Union of Burma was gained successfully in the form of Federal Union and the Union constitution was drawn up.The obsessive Democratic Federal Union and with “The right of secession” BUT only after ten years of cooperation. What will happen in this ten years period? By nature or by invention? Writing in ‘Shan State Affairs’ [Ref# 2], Chao Hso Hom said: “The Constituent Assembly was convened on the 10th June 1947. With regard to the formation of a Union or Federation, draft proposal No. 2 of the Directives presented the merest outline. But the Shans had put their trust in General Aung San, and he was the type of leader who kept his promises. Unfortunately, the National Leaders headed by General Aung San were assassinated on the 19th July 1947. Among his six colleagues who were killed with him was Chao Sam Htun, the Chaofa of Mong Pawn State, the Councillor for the Frontier Areas and the Representative of the Shans on the Governor’s Executive Council. The representatives of the Shan State committed themselves to achieving Independence.”Khun Kya Bu of Hsipaw wrote “If 19th July 1947 is the blackest day for the both Burmese and Shans alike, the next day was no less blacker. Zao Zarm Htun, Prince of Mongpawn, who was among the wounded during the assassination of Aung San was taken with the others to the General Hospital in Rangoon. His Karen personal assistant personally carried him there. Apart from being unable to speak, because of the bullet wound in his chin, he was conscious and in good spirits when last seen. “But no one was allowed to see him. They just told me he was all right, that there was nothing to worry about him. Then the next day, it was announced that he died from his wounds.” Khun Kya Bu is really bitter about 買屋this. He recalls that the situation in the post-Independence days was so bad that one non-Burmese colonel came down to Rangoon in anger and told a meeting:“I suggest that to get things right, each of the nationalities do only what they are good at. Let the Chins, Karens, and Kachins, who are good at fighting, handle defence matters. Let the Shan and Karennis, who are honest rulers, handle administrative affairs. As for you Burmese, as you are good at fine arts, you should just be responsible for that. Everything will then be straightened out and returned to normal.”The above may be too much for some Burmese. However, Khun Kya Bu has reserved his wholehearted praise for one Burmese - Aung San.) Another remark by a Shan leader "Vicatara Loka Dipani" by Htao Puen Murng (Lung Khun Maha) for the 19th July event is:It is not difficult to lose a piece of small luxury, and achieve the greatest one. It is not difficult to lose a few people and conquer a large amount of people. It is not difficult to be wicked and trick to win the honest clever one. It is not difficult to act savagely to make people afraid. Tying arrows and sickles together cannot make a sheaf. Later, the Representatives of the Shan State who participated in the Constituent Assembly werePolitically immature; Had no understanding of legislative processes; Were preoccupied with the prospect of total independence within one year; Were trying to exhibit a united front after the loss of their leaders through political assassination. Therefore they were easily misled by the so-called Constitutional Advisers. *(Shan State Affairs) Assassinated peoples (leaders) or assassinated Panglong Spirit constituent definitions. But fortunately, Panglong Spirit was not totally killed and it had some visible points that cannot be hidden and still appeared as stipulated in the 1947 union constitution. It is “the right of secession” in article X. Then, how will the democratic Burmese government AFPFL deal with this Article X. However, ‘the right of secession’ does not totally mean that Shan State must secede after ten years. “Secession is not a crime. It is a right provided by the Constitution, so that the constituent national groups and smaller races can safeguard their integrity. In a free and voluntary union such as ours, autonomy and secession are unquestionable prerequisites. And if the bigger nation or the majority race begrudge these rights, the diagnosis must be that it has been infected with the Greater Nation disease. The right of autonomy is the first line of defence for the smaller nations or races to successfully prevent domi 租房子nation. The secession weapon is put to use only when the first measure fails. As General Aung San said, “The right of Secession must be given, but it is our duty to work and show (our sincerity) so that they don’t wish to leave”. It is Burma’s responsibility to prove their sincerity so that the States do not wish to secede.” * The Shan State Secession Issue (Htun Myint of Taunggyi) After all, the so called democratic federal union constitution of union of Burma was totally finished and the union of Burma achieved her independence in 4th Jan 1948 and started to enjoy the flavour of free peoples’ independence. What are the flavours that non-Burmese nationalities have had a taste of in becoming newly independent? “The AFPFL and Greater Nation Chauvinism. The AFPFL’s aims, as stipulated in the League’s constitution give no hint of Greater Nation Chauvinism. But, in practice, it has been extremely difficult for them to hide it.” *Htun Myint of Taunggyi When ten years after independence arrived in1958, accordingly stipulated in the union constitution, the right of secession after ten years cooperation, the time arrived for Shan State to decide to secede out or to continue to stay in the Union by democratic means; otherwise the leader of the democratic government of Burma U Nu should lead and set out the referendum to test the result by democratic manner. But the slicker U Nu avoided his responsibility and handed his power over to the military leader General Ne Win as caretaker to intervene in the democratic government affairs. So that the peoples of Shan State were unable to have a choice, and were only allowed to stay with the union whether they were willing or not, good or bad. At that time the Burmese army were already spread out and encamped in Shan State and suppressed Shan peoples. It needed ten years to set up Burmese army to be strong enough to take the opportunity to intervene in the democratic affairs of the Union of Burma.“It can be said that what was of utmost concern to the military (as self-acclaimed ‘nation-builders’) was Chapter 10 of the 1947 Constitution, which granted the Shan State the option of secession after 10 years of union. The military, however, set out to pre-empt the Shan from exercising that option, whether or not they actually planned to do so. The military intimidated the population by sowing terror, and it fomented opposition in the Shan State towards the Sawbwa princes, whom the military accused of hatching plots to dismember the Union.” *Chaotzang Yawnghwe http://www.chaotzangyawnghwe.info/by/aby2.html But during 1960 election, U Nu’s AFPFL returned to power from ignorant de 烤肉食材mocratic right to patch the ruining democratic behaviour of the Burmese government. But as soon as he returned to power, the leaders of ethnic nationalities come to sticking to their demands and demanded discussions with U Nu about amendments to the constitution. This demand was reasserted at a conference when the Ethnic States Unity and Solidarity Organization convened in 25th Feb, 1961 at Taunggyi in Shan State. From this conference, the document ‘The Shan State Federal Proposal’ was ratified. The impact of this ‘Shan Proposal,’ as it was known, led to the Burmese Military takeover on 2nd March 1962 because it was a shell shock to the primary principle of union the Burmese way that was idealized since 1940 by sixteen Burmese comrades. But the Burmese military coup regime gave another unconcerned reason for their coup to withhold their plans and believed blindly that the ‘Shan Federal Proposal’ will break the country into pieces, and so they removed the Shan State Government and most Shan leaders brutally and terminated the Burmese way to democracy so that it could not be returned to. “Although the Shan, Kachin, and other ethnic nationalities’ leaders found the 1947 Constitution unsatisfactory, they went along with it until the coup in 1962, because they had been assured that it could be amended at any time in the future. The second school of thought was adopted by the post-Aung San AFPFL6 leaders. This vision was embodied structurally in the 1947 Union Constitution. It provided for a unitary form of state, decentralized to some degree but not federal. This formula gained ascendancy and was in force for almost twelve years, from 1948 to 1962, but was certainly not in keeping with the Panglong Spirit or with the vision of U Aung San. Nevertheless, it worked after a fashion but Burma’s ethnic nationalities seethed with discontent and civil war raged. The relationship between the members was asymmetrical: there was the Mother country (Pyi-Ma, the Burma State) and around it revolved a set of subordinate constituent states.) When the military seized power in 1962, they hoped to win the support of the Burman populace. The generals claimed that drastic action was necessary because the Union was threatened by the ‘secessionist plots’ of Shan princes. However, the cruel massacre of university students in Rangoon on 7 July 1962, four months after the coup, alienated the Burman population from the new military regime.” * Chaotzang Yawnghue So, the Burmese military regime automatically put themselves as the enemy of all citizens of the Union of Burma and they never dared to hand back the power of government to the citizens of Burma. 酒店兼職Instead of doing so, they started to suppress the whole country of those who went against their wishes, and reproved and punished Shan leaders until they got enough satisfaction. When all have suffered a great deal of grinding oppression and calmed down because they are completely afraid of the brutal regime; Ne Win’s Revolutionary Council government replaced the 1947 constitution, which Shan leaders and other ethnic leaders demanded for amendment, with the 1974 constitution which stressed a unitary federal form of government or Burmese way to federalism that no one dared to oppose. But as the head of the Burmese regime, Ne Win learned, since he had taken power by a coup, that he will never get the right support from the Burmese citizens. So, he neglected most important country affairs such as economics, education, health development for the country and thought only of himself. Most of the country’s income was only for him. So, when in 1988 Burma became one of the most outdated and poorest nations on the world, Ne Win became one of the wealthiest men in the world. So, when they have learned this event, the country citizens were unable to tolerate more and at last the fire was broken out and countrywide uprising demonstrated and pulled Ne Win down. When the country was in the most confuse state and plight, on 18th Sep,1988, the military led-government transformed itself into the State Law and Order Restoration Council and then lured the citizens to calm down, promised to lead and arrange the general election in 1990 to fulfil the wishes of the citizens for awhile. Ne Win lost power, the same as U Nu, and also never returned to prominence. But the idea and the primary principle of nation-building of the sixteen Burmese comrades has never died. It is still surviving healthily passing from hand to hand among the Burmese regime leaders to this day. So, the practical result of 1990 general election came out earlier than the date of election in the head of the top Burmese Generals. They must win the election, if not by white, then it must be by black method. For instance, troops stationed in Shan State were issued with a top secret instruction to ‘Burmanize’ Shan State (Annexe II). Because formal democracy does not re-invent and include their ‘1940’ notions yet, it would not be fitted with their primary principle. To re-create and bind the formal democracy which will be suitable for the Burmese way to democracy, they need some extra time to arrange their agendas. So, they just coup again and overthrow the winning un-experience NLD which did not prepare and repair anything for the Burmese way to democracy that would destroy the spirit of their primary p seorinciple of nation-builder. According to the regime, there should not be true democracy and true federalism but the invented one. So, they just ignore the result of 1990 general election and are persisting with holding the “National Convention” which would provide the best result for their ‘1940’ agenda. But the Shan State leaders, SNLD the second largest seat winning party in 1990, still leading the non-Burmese parties and leaders persisting propose their ‘way’ of equal rights federal proposal in the NC and became as a big hindrance for the regime to finish their new constitution. So, NC has lasted for more than one decade and their constitution cannot be finished. Lastly, in Feb 2005, they have to eliminate Shan leaders again as they always hindered the regime’s agendas and tried to smooth out their constitution at the end of 2006. But the condition was still far away from their wishes. Whenever there were talks on federal matters, the Shan nationalities always came along and whenever they wanted to discuss the federal case, the authorities always arrested the Shan people first before they could speak. When the SPDC’s new constitution is said to be finished, the over-ground as well as underground opposition groups inside and outside the country will still be marching to their goal with unchangeable confidence. REFERENCES 1. DVBhttp://burmese.dvb.no/news.php?id=9902http://burmese.dvb.no/news.php?id=9903 2. Shan State Affairs - A paper prepared by the office of the Regional Co-coordinator Australia & the Pacific Shan State organization.The Constituent Assembly was convened on the 10th June 1947. With regard to the formation of a Union or Federation, draft proposal No. 2 of the Directives presented the merest outline. But the Shans had put their trust in General Aung San, and he was the type of leader who kept his promises. Unfortunately, the National Leaders headed by General Aung San were assassinated on the 19th July 1947. Among his six colleagues who were killed with him was Chao Sam Htun, the Chaofa of Mong Pawn State, the Councillor for the Frontier Areas and the Representative of the Shans on the Governor’s Executive Council. The representatives of the Shan State committed themselves to achieving Independence.*(Shan State Affairs)http://www.shanland.org/resources/history/shan_state_affairs.htm/ 3. The Founding of the Union of Burma through the Hill Peoples effortsThe Memoirs of Khun Kya Bu of Hsipawhttp://www.shanland.org/resources/history/Publications/founding_of_the_union_of_burma_t.htm/ ANNEXES Annexe I Aung San – Atlee Agreement 8. Frontier Areas It is agreed objective of both His Majesty’s Government and the Burmese Delegates t 租屋網o achieve the early unification of the Frontier Areas and Ministerial Burma with the free consent of the inhabitants of those areas. In the meantime, it is agreed that the people of the Frontier Areas should, in respect of subjects of common interest, be closely associated with the Government of Burma in a manner acceptable to both parties. For these purposes it has been agreed: -There shall be free intercourse between the peoples of the Frontier Areas and the people of Ministerial Burma without hindrance. The leaders and representatives of the peoples of the Frontier Areas shall be asked, either at the Panglong Conference to be held at the beginning of next month or at a special Conference to be convened for the purpose, to express their views upon the form of association with the Government of Burma which they consider acceptable during the transition period: whether – by the appointment of a small group of Frontier representatives to advise the Governor on Frontier affairs and to have close liaison with the Executive Council; or by the appointment of the Frontier Area representative as Executive Councillor in charge of Frontier affairs; or by some other method. After the Panglong meeting, or the special conference, His Majesty’s Government and the Government of Burma will agree upon the best method of advancing their common aims in accordance with the expressed views of the peoples of the Frontier Areas. A Committee of Enquiry shall be set up forthwith as to the best method of associating the Frontier peoples with the working out of the new Constitution for Burma. Such Committee will consist of equal numbers of person from Ministerial Burma, nominated by the Executive Council, and persons from the Frontier Areas, nominated by the Governor after consultation with the leaders of those areas, with a neutral Chairman from outside of Burma selected by agreement. Such Committee shall be asked to report to the Government of Burma and His Majesty’s Government before the summoning of the Constituent Assembly. Annexe II Message to Burmese troops stationed in Shan State Top Secret No. Pa La Za/ya -013/88. Message to Burmese troops on duty in the Shan State……………… To the superior Burmese comrades in the whole of Burma, Since we love our Burmese race as we love our lives, to be the sole guardians of our race we must have our country. We must help our country in all aspects; such as in economy, in social intercourse, in education, in literature and culture.There fore, we Burmese, comrades living within Burma will have to go on the offensive either by hook or by crook to Burmanize other racial groups using different tactics such as baiting them with cash, property s 澎湖民宿uperior Burmese Culture and the like so as to assimilate them step by step.To be profitable for our noble cause use simple methods such as education, social intercourse and culture to overwhelm the ignorant minority. Try to use coercion with tact so that no glaring mistakes will be made. In order to achieve an eternal propagation and prolongation of the Burmese race, the easiest method will be to absorb the minorities by intermarriage with their womenfolk.Those Burmese troops on duty in the Shan States must take Shan girls as wives. Job seekers must go up to the Shan states and try their utmost to marry Shan girls. Due to Shan girls having an easygoing lifestyle as well as having a high opinion of Burmese youth, we can easily win them over to our side.Burmese comrades! We must hurry if we are to succeed, because the Shan States is like a toxin to Burmese compatriots.There froe, all Burmese must unite. We try all options. Even if we depart this world, we must leave our children and blood relations behind in the Shan States. Non-Burmese women and Shan women can be easily bought with money by our Burmese youths. If not we can use coercion so that they may eventually be turned into saucy girls leading to prostitution.Burmese comrades! The time is ripe to bring non-Burmese women into our fold by buying them with cash, property, or other attractions as well as using matters of the heart to lure them. The Burmese government on a monthly basis will reward those patriotic Burmese youths who succeed in luring Shan girls as follows:- A simple village lass, reward K 500/- Daughter of ward/ village headman, reward K-1000/- Degree holders, reward k 1500/- Sao Pha’s and merchants daughters (with degree) reward K2000/- Our noble and superior Burmese comrades! You must understand the fact that only a people-to-people absorption can eliminate the minorities. Only by crafty organization work can we succeed eternally.Do not worry about money. Cash is no problem. For those Burmese comrades in the Shan States our government has put a side a special fund an annual sum of pound sterling 5 million.As soon as you succeed, please follow instructions, and contact the proper authority, you shall be promptly rewarded. We are eagerly waiting anticipation.Since this instruction is highly classified, great care must be taken so as to prevent leakage. Distribution must be limited to Burmese comrades only.This is the fourth intimation to patriotic Burmese race, and to those Burmese who espouse nationalism, language and the Buddhist religion. Guard these with your lives.Towards the Success of our cause Guardians of the fourth Burmese Empire, Burma Proper Burmese Era-1350 waning of Tawthalin Christian Era – 1988 October (1 好房網0 )  .

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          歐洲議會改選右傾,保護主義抬頭(李明峻) 在全球金融海嘯餘波盪漾之際,歐洲議會(European Parliament)於6月4日至7日進行5年一度的改選,而6月7日這最後投票日被形容為歐盟「超級星期天」,包括德法義西等大國都在這天投票。這個 選舉堪稱世界最大的選舉,有權投票的公民大約3億8,800萬名,選出總數785個席次中的736位新一屆議員代表。   歐 洲議會成立於1958年,但在1979年才進行第一次歐洲議會議員(Members of the European Parliament,MEPs)選舉,使歐洲議會成為歐盟內唯一一個由會員國人民投票直選代表的機構,各國議席數基本上是按人口比例及政治協商分配,議 席最多的德國佔99席,而最少的馬爾他只有5席。此次歐洲議會的選舉中,由於多國政壇爆發醜聞,使得歐洲選民利用改選 租屋宣洩不滿,以創下新低的投票率表達抗 議,中間偏右的政黨是最大贏家,中間偏左陣營則是慘遭滑鐵盧,一向處於主流地位的大黨重挫,而偏右小黨反而趁機出頭,這將對歐洲統合造成影響。歐洲右翼政黨成贏家 「歐洲議會」是由歐洲聯盟會員國公民在各國選出的代表所組成,為歐盟最高民意機關,與負責決策的歐盟理事會、負責執行的歐盟執委會合稱歐盟三大機構。歐洲 議會有權解散歐盟執委會,對執委會新委員進行資格審核,歐盟有半數年度預算必須交由歐洲議會定奪。歐洲議會經常考察會員國人權狀況,通過的法律適用於所有 歐盟會員國。歐洲議會議員同時代表一個國家的政黨(如英國工黨、法國社會黨),及一個歐洲政黨(如歐洲人民黨或歐洲社會黨 酒店工作),少數議員只隸屬國家的政黨 (如英國保守黨),但幾乎都會加入歐洲議會內部的次級團體,依照團體決議來投票。  雖然歐盟的兩個行政機關歐盟委員會和歐洲理事會都設在比利時布魯塞爾,且幾乎所有立法準備工作和議會委員會會議都在此舉行,但《阿姆斯特丹條約 (Treaty of Amsterdam)》卻規定歐洲議會每月必須在法國斯特拉斯堡召開一次會議,而這前後4天的會議主要是常規會議和最終的投票工作,其他所有會議都在布魯 塞爾舉行。雖然歐洲議會多次表示希望自行決定開會地點,但其後的歐盟條約都規定,歐洲議會的開會地點需由歐盟各會員國政府決定。  此次歐洲議會選舉的結果,歐洲右翼成為大贏家,左翼的英國工黨、德國社會民主黨及法國社會黨遭 賣房子到大敗。在此次歐洲議會選舉中,以英國為主的中間偏左和左派 執政黨,包括西班牙、葡萄牙、愛莎尼亞、拉脫維亞則都遭到重挫。英國執政的工黨更在這次選舉中遭到歷史性挫敗,得票率僅獲15.3%,較保守黨及獨立黨 差,極右的獨立黨首次獲得兩個席位。英國工黨除在蘇格蘭和威爾斯雙雙失守外,極右派英國國民黨(BNP)在英格蘭西北地區一舉拿下兩席,首次得以進入歐洲 議會。反對英國參與歐盟的英國獨立黨(UKIP)也在這次選舉中領先工黨,保守黨則首次在英國全國性選舉中居於第一名。  同時,德國聯合執政的兩大黨派聯盟黨和社民黨得票率減少,而在野黨綠黨、自民黨和左翼黨得票率均有不同程度的上升。由基民盟和基社盟組成的聯盟黨得票率為 38.1%,低於2004年歐洲議會 住商房屋選舉時44.5%的得票率;社民黨得票率由上次歐洲議會選舉的21.5%降至21%。綠黨得票率由上次的11.9%升 至12.1%;自民黨則從6.1%躍升至10.6%;左翼黨得票率由6.1%升至7.5%。西班牙執政左派則在執政9年後,首次在全國性選舉中失利。  另一方面,法國執政黨人民運動聯盟成為法國歐洲議會選舉最大贏家,獲得的選票超過443萬張,得票率為27.73%,高居各黨派之首。法國的社會黨也在這 次選舉中遭到重大挫敗,得票率為16.66%,緊隨其後的是綠黨的16.03%,而其他參選黨派得票率則均未超過10%。希臘執政黨新民主黨在這次歐洲議 會選舉中失利,新民主黨得票率為32.68%,落後最大反對黨泛希臘社會主義運動4%之多,贏得36.75%的選票,希臘共產黨得票率為8.19%。義大 利、波蘭執政的中間偏右政黨, 融資都在這次選舉中獲勝,且極右派則在荷蘭、奧地利、匈牙利、丹麥、斯洛伐克成為主流。在瑞典,主張網路檔案共享合法化的「海盜 黨(Pirate Party)」,獲得7%支持,也取得瑞典在歐洲議會中8席中的1席。保護主義勢力重新崛起  值得注意的是,左派政黨之所以在這次歐洲選舉普遍受挫,而極右和邊緣團體得以抬頭,主因歸於經濟危機、保護意識升起以及低投票率所致。此次歐洲議會選舉的 投票率僅為43.55%,創下自1979年實行直接選舉30年來的新低。投票率低主要是因為民眾感受不到歐洲議會對本國政策的明確影響,同時許多歐盟公民 對歐洲議會的作用和職能依然不甚瞭解,特別是新加入歐盟才五年的東歐國家,對歐盟這個大家庭還沒有很強的歸屬感。如何實現真正的歐洲一體化,還需要時間來 改善。但儘管這次?信用卡代償甯w大選的投票率很低,但作為全球唯一透過公民直接選舉產生的跨國機構,歐洲議會毋庸置疑是歐洲民主化進程的寫照。  另一方面,歐洲議會的選舉結果,一般被視為是各國政治的風向球。因此,包括英國、西班牙、匈牙利、拉脫維亞、愛爾蘭、保加利亞、瑞典、希臘及葡萄牙等執政 黨受挫的11個國家,其結果攸關其未來的政治生態。如英國工黨此次議席退守第三,將加劇該黨擔任首相的布朗(Gordon Brown)的領導危機,並可能促使更多的大臣辭職。在德國方面,由於社會民主黨得票率僅20.8%,是第二次世界大戰以來最低,遠落後於默克爾領導的保 守陣營基督教民主黨(CDU)和基督教社會黨(CSU)的37.9%,這使得中間偏左、大聯合政府執政的社民黨(SPD)明顯領先,所以現任總理默克爾 (Angela Merkel)9月連任的機會將因此而大 澎湖民宿增。歐洲議會將呈現眾聲喧嘩局面  但儘管這次選舉在若干國家發生重大變化,根據歐洲議會公佈的初步選舉結果,中間偏右的歐洲政黨歐洲人民黨(EPP),仍在歐洲議會736席中囊獲265 席,較居次中間偏左的歐洲社會黨(PES)162席整整多出100多席,第三和第四大的自由黨團和綠黨團,則分別拿下80席和51席。與5年前的上次選舉 相比,各大黨間的比例變化不大,歐洲人民黨仍是最大的贏家,因此現任歐盟執委會主席巴羅佐(Jose ManuelBarroso)連任的機會大為增加。然而,不隸屬任何黨團的議員人數明顯增加到91席,英國保守黨也宣佈不參與人民黨團的運作,歐洲議會未 來將出現眾聲喧嘩的局面。  如果今年按照計劃敲定歐洲憲法,並在各會員國獲得通過,則歐洲議會修改法律的權限將會延伸到幾十個政策領域,甚至包括如避難、跨邊界警察巡邏和司法 裝潢合作等 一些敏感問題。同時,雖然歐盟大部分立法是由執委會提出,但歐洲議會能影響其議程。大約半數的法律在各會員國議會通過之前,是先在歐洲議會或其它歐盟機構 制定。同時,如果過半數議員就某個領域的立法通過決議,執委會必須做出回應。歐盟的立法送到歐洲議會亦常會被修改。未來如果《里斯本條約》付諸實施,歐洲 議會所能置喙的政策領域將大幅增加。歐洲統合之路愈益崎嶇  值得擔心的是,邊緣團體和反對外來移民、一再抨擊歐盟機構權力太大的極右派政黨,顯然在選戰中大有斬獲。由於各國代表進入歐洲議會之後,又依照政治光譜與 友黨組成政治結盟,因此各國右派政黨席次增加,表示整個議會內右派勢力抬頭,更有能力推動右傾的國族保護政策。這顯示未來五年內,支持歐盟統合的政黨必須 較過去更加團結。此次結果對歐洲許多國家的社會黨是一大打 酒店工作擊,將重新思考未來方向。  歐洲議會雖是歐盟唯一一個直選議會機構,但歐洲議會僅享有部分立法權、預算審核權和監督行政權,與一般意義的議會相比缺少很多職能。它主要是考察歐盟會員 國的人權狀況、監獄虐待與酷刑事件等。但諷刺的是,以保障歐盟境內人權(工作權、居住遷徙權)、防堵排外思潮出現為主要功能之一的歐洲議會,未來如果出現 高舉國族主義的情況,如義大利的北方聯盟主張,要督促歐盟制定更嚴苛的移民法規,將矛頭指向新加入歐盟的東歐集團,這將與致力推動整合的歐洲行政體系相互 杆格,歐洲統合之路顯然會變得更崎嶇。 (本文由台灣東北亞學會副秘書長李明峻寫作,刊登在青年日報全球戰略觀察專欄,2009.6.19.版7) .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 辦公室出租  .

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          應用地理補充1 臭氧已把我們包圍?  不久前,英國科學家警告說,由於氣溫持續升高,近地空氣已經出現了數量足以致命的臭氧。如果不抓緊時間控制溫室氣體的排放,那麼在不久的將來,英國人夏季外出時則必須戴上有活性碳層的口罩,否則將有生命危險。 植物受熱 催生臭氧   國際線上報道:臭氧是一種較為簡單的分子,由3個氧原子結合而成。在大氣層中,臭氧能夠吸收 褐藻醣膠紫外線,使地球生物免遭輻射侵害。但是,在近地範圍,臭氧會與生物分子發生化學反應,對生物體具有一定破壞作用。   去年夏天,熱浪席捲歐洲,並給英國留下了嚴重的“後遺症”。英國科學家研究證實,受到高溫烘烤時,植物將釋放出一種名叫“橡膠基質”的物質,而正是由於這種物質,大氣中的臭氧?保濕面膜t量增加了。而臭氧增加直接威脅著人類,特別是少年兒童、老年人和哮喘病患者的健康和生命。英國約克大學的李維斯教授帶領一個調查小組專門研究近地臭氧含量的變化。他說:“我們得出的結論是令人震驚的:當氣溫上升到攝氏30多度後,植物就開始加速釋放‘橡膠基質’。”   “橡膠基質”的作用是保護植物葉片不受高溫 房屋買賣灸烤,但它也是促使氮氧化物分解為臭氧的催化劑。英國大氣研究中心的索普教授指出,華氏100度(即攝氏37.7度)是上述化學反應的一個臨界點。當氣溫高於這個臨界點時,植物將成倍釋放“橡膠基質”以保護葉片,同時造成近地臭氧濃度迅速上升。 600人死於高濃度臭氧   據悉,當每立方米大氣中的臭氧含量超過180毫克時,人類健康就會受 買房子到影響。而去年8月6日,倫敦每立方米大氣中的臭氧含量竟高達300毫克。索普教授說:“過去幾年來,英國政府一直在為減少近地臭氧含量而努力,比如限制汽車上路和工廠‘三廢’排放量等。誰知道,一場熱浪把所有的努力化為烏有……去年夏天,英國至少有600人因為臭氧濃度過高而死去。”   英國國家環境技術中心的科學家約翰·斯泰曼說,如果600名死者尚 帛琉不足以引起重視,那麼還有成千上萬名雖僥倖逃過死亡、但至今飽受哮喘病折磨的患者可以說明問題。諾丁漢一個名叫阿利森·鮑特利的患者說:“天一熱我就得呆在家裏,免得受到臭氧的侵害。這實在太鬱悶了。”   今年夏天即將來臨,英國科學家向政府發出呼籲,希望政府採取更為有效的措施來減少溫室氣體排放,從根本上解決近地臭氧增加的問題。科學家還說,如果這 土地買賣個問題始終無法解決,他們建議那些身體素質較差的人在盛夏時節減少外出,迫不得已非要出門時,則要戴上有活性碳層的口罩,並時刻提醒自己快去快回。(吳若蕾)http://big5.chinabroadcast.cn/gate/big5/gb.chinabroadcast.cn/2201/2004/06/03/561@182328.htm 第198期 日本今年日子不好過第197期 中美兩軍啟動政策對話第196期 中國人臟彈襲美是謠言第195期 白宮與陳水扁翻臉內幕第194期 台灣海 酒店兼職峽隧道何時成?第193期 美國拉日本搞鐳射戰機第192期 美日為何調重兵救災第191期 中國DNA專家進海嘯區第190期 美3艘核潛艇靠近台灣第189期 美要扣押我先進武器 第188期 美日緊盯我軍事動向第187期 日本挑釁我統一大業第186期 中俄聯合軍演不尋常第185期 中美要建軍事熱線?第184期 美國不準台灣改名號第183期 布希“大內保鏢”第182期 陳水扁害怕"斬首戰" 第181期 美日兵進下地島第180期 日 酒肉朋友本能否永不再戰第179期 亞太經合會上鬥"台獨"第177期 我為阿拉法特掃墓第176期 台灣追查泄密案第175期 台灣當局怕美國翻臉第174期 中國派團赴美看大選第173期 直擊美國大選決戰第172期 美國軍火商敲詐台灣第171期 台灣當局炫耀洋武器【 編輯信箱 】  【 推薦 】   【 列印文章 】   【 關閉窗口 】    相關文章發現v 米開朗基羅心理不健康?&n 房屋買賣bsp;2004-06-03 10:20:42v 小心!開車容易使人發胖 2004-06-03 10:18:15v 德國安全套多數含致癌物 2004-06-03 10:17:13v 普洱茶使減肥不再反彈 2004-06-03 10:16:06v 世界上最大的問題是…… 2004-06-01 15:07:26v  牛蛙也有“結巴” 2004-06-01 14:32:45 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 裝潢  .

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          守穩8161點 續攻前波高點 蘋果日報 自營商操盤人日記分析昨日台股盤勢,主要因美股連續2天下跌,亞股也因此下滑,加上國內央行對於房市景氣提出警訊,造成國內資產、營建等主 酒店打工流類股大跌,拖累大盤指數。不過,台股雖然下跌,但是短線應該還有撐,因為在台幣持續升值下,熱錢繼續流入,加 辦公室出租上周技術指標翻紅,代表中多反彈格局確認,貼近季線8092點附近就是很好的買點。 資金效應持續發燒 指數前波高點開始下跌後, 代償已完成5波型態,就技術面來說,之後反彈也會有3~5波的表現。而就7384~8658點區間來說,8658點被視為第一個高點,以正常回檔約0.382計算,滿足位置大 關鍵字行銷約是8161點,這也貼近本波的跳空缺口,靠近季線位置,同時8265~8279點間,則是另一跳空缺口位置,如果能夠守住8161點的話,後續創高的趨勢不會改變。台股雖然遭 好房網遇獲利回吐及套牢賣壓,加上國際股市表現疲弱,外資動作由買反手轉賣,但是投資人不用太過擔心,台股目前回檔幅度仍在合理範圍內,由於未來雙率仍是偏向看漲,選後資金效應可持續?代償o酵,應該還會有一波的表現,不妨利用回檔的時候,開始布局。就類股表現上,盤面上依舊是傳產、金融、電子股三分天下的局面。然而總統大選不斷逼近,研判金融、傳產方面還是會有政策利多釋放,不?婚禮顧問L距離選舉日不到10個交易日,此時不妨開始留意相關勝選概念股。若就傳產股來說,隨兩岸政策開放方向確立,資產、營建、航運等族群,中長期趨勢不變。另外,金融股不僅是控盤工具,同時也是外資會買的股票,後市?系統傢俱揖i留意,投資人選股上則可留意消費性的金融相關個股,以及證券股,總統大選後應會有所表現。 電子累積反彈動能 至於電子股部分,雖然面臨美國經濟表現不佳衝擊,加上台幣持續升值,恐會衝擊第1季獲利,但是近來表現可說是利 關鍵字廣告空不跌,似乎慢慢築底確立、累積反彈動能之中,在選股上則以IC設計、節能、博弈、面板族群為主。吳文彬口述 魏鑫陽整理 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店經紀  .

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          萬點行情 法人挪後到明年 【王宗彤/台北報導】 中國時報 美股下跌,台股再度受到牽連而下跌,15日下跌37.52點,以8905.41點收盤,由於投資人期待反彈而惜售,又 建築設計擔心崩盤不敢追價,因此成交值急凍至994.75億元,為今年5/31以來最低量。法人指出,台股要攻克九 結婚千點,起碼要量能1500億元以上。 觀察15日法人買賣超動向,外資又轉為賣超43.44億元,投信小幅買超0.39億元,自 室內裝潢營商買超11.64億元,合計三大法人共賣超31.41億元,仍是本土買、外資賣的情況,在國際股市目前氣氛搖擺不定下,短期內仍以觀望為宜。 系統傢俱 台股14日才跳空大漲,跳空缺口近200點,15日未能延續漲勢,甚至成交值急凍量縮至1000億元之下,上攻乏力,尤其盤中高點未能過昨高,低點則低過昨 東森房屋低,並小幅回補昨日的缺口,顯示成交值遽減,反彈氣勢仍弱。 尤其2007年已近歲末,雖然市場仍期待台股能夠在重挫逾1200點後,進行跌深反彈,甚至展開更強勢的島狀V型 酒店工作反轉。 攻克9000點 須量1500億以上 但美林證券認為,融資籌碼凌亂的風險仍高,甚至不排除再引發一波斷頭追繳壓力,縱有反彈,恐怕也只是「彈」花一現,預期年底前台股指數將只 有巢氏房屋能在8500-9500點區間盤整。 同樣地,目前國內投信業者,看待今年底前的萬點行情也多有退縮,新光投信基金經理人鄒政杰就說,基本上,台股上壓頗大,市場對於今年底前能看到萬點的期望也越來越少 房屋買賣,多半已將萬點時程自動挪後到明年。 根據統計,外資本周四個交易日來賣超前15檔個股中,金控股就佔有8檔,外資幾乎不捧場金控股,能賣就賣。其餘還有外資持股高的權值股,如電子、傳產的龍頭股,像是台積電、矽品 澎湖民宿、鴻海、中鋼、台泥、宏碁等。法人認為,短期間台股還隨美股波動時期,先避開外資持股高的個股為宜。  .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房地產  .

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          仲夏八仙山 串鼻龍燦爛綻放 8月盛夏八仙山國家森林遊樂區內步道兩旁,不經意的可看見遠方樹叢 21世紀房屋仲介間爬滿了盛開的串鼻龍,一串串 訂做禮服白色花序,正燦爛綻放中,遊客可在園區內欣賞到 租房子如夢幻般的美麗蹤影。 串鼻龍是毛茛科鐵線蓮屬多年生藤本,其?褐藻醣膠嬪G廣泛,從海岸地區到山麓,皆可見其蹤跡,其全株被覆粗毛,以長葉攀爬他 裝潢物而上生,常生長在其他林木的樹冠及枝條上,果實頂端具長柔毛的宿存花柱,聚生成一朵朵像煙火?酒店打工諈漯G序,說起名字是有典故的,早期台灣農民常利用串鼻龍木質化的莖蔓,穿過牛鼻孔織成環狀,製成牛鼻環以便駕 酒店打工馭牛隻,只是隨著時代變遷,牛鼻環已由銅環取代,耕耘機也逐漸取代了牛隻,而串鼻龍的功用也逐漸被遺忘。 八仙山國家森林遊樂區一 租辦公室向以自然森林資源景觀著名,夏季園區森林綠意盎然,溪水潺潺,趁著陽光普照的好天氣全家出遊,共享天倫之樂。 八仙山國家森林遊樂區 小額信貸http://travel.network.com.tw/tourguide/point/showpage/212.html 台中旅遊網http://taichung.network.com.tw/ 引用 CTIN台灣旅遊聯盟-謝文綺 酒店經紀  .

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          兩性保健:騎馬, 游泳讓你更會「打床仗」 做愛消耗大量體能,平時運動健身,鍛鍊充沛體力,自然遊刃有餘。哪些運動和 景觀設計「床上」運動相近呢?中醫師謝蓮樺建議,騎馬狀態與性愛 房屋貸款類似,游泳增強耐力、鍛鍊臀部,勤於鍛鍊,可增強性功能。 騎馬 強 關鍵字廣告化腰臀肌肉 騎馬是騎師與馬匹的雙人舞,自以為是的人上了馬,恐怕會被摔落馬,懂得觀察?信用貸款B與馬互動、取得信任後,才能駕馭自如。 謝蓮樺說,騎馬時的精神狀態,觀察、互動、信任與駕馭,與性?小型辦公室R異曲同工,懂得掌握馬匹的男人,上了床肯定是好情人。 騎馬鍛鍊全身肌肉,還能提高男人的協調性、反應能力,尤其能打造 結婚強健的大腿、臀腰肌肉,正好是男性功能的關鍵部位。 游泳 練出性感圓臀 游泳是全身鍜鍊的運動,直接鍛鍊到性生活運用較多部位的肌?保濕面膜蛂A例如雙臂、雙腿、腰腹部等,脫了衣服後,勻稱結實的肌肉,會讓女伴「凍未條」。 游泳還能增強耐力、心肺功能,儲備充沛體力,尤其雙腳踩踏擺動,雕塑出 借貸渾圓性感的臀部,最能吸引女性目光。 瑜伽 貓式延展耐力 謝蓮樺說,瑜伽運動中,有招「貓伸展式」,如同小貓伸展四肢,男性雙腳跪地,臀部坐在後腳跟上,此時手掌觸地、 訂做禮服雙臂盡量往前伸展,臀部要保持不動,維持15秒後,在緩慢放鬆、上身恢復直立。 貓伸展式舒展手臂、肩頸與背部,能紓解疲勞,放鬆身體,同時能增強性耐力。 【元氣周報/記者洪敬浤/報導】 591  .

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          白河蓮花活動 交 通 指 引 南下 (台北 -- 台南) 1.從中山高速公路南下水上交流道,循台一線茄苳路口(顯濟宮 房屋貸款牌樓)左轉往蓮潭。 2.由南二高白河交流道下 買屋網,轉172(中正路)往關子嶺,左轉南93竹門綠色隧道可抵達賞蓮區。 開幕活動3.南下車輛由中山高速公路或南二高速公路經由82快速道路轉165縣道(中山路)進入 個人信貸白河。(嘉義 -- 台南) *嘉義市區循吳鳳南路(阿里山線)或民生南路進入白河鎮。北上(高雄 -- 台南 租屋)1.中山高速公路北上下新營交流道(加油站左轉長榮路)循台一線往北接南172(中正路)進入白河鎮, 或直行至後壁火 關鍵字廣告車站前右轉接南172甲(三民路)進入白河鎮。 2.楠西往曾文水庫循觀光產業道路往橫路至南寮福安宮往關子嶺溫泉區進入白河鎮。 禮服 龍泉食堂風味餐  七菜一湯,價格公道合理,好吃讓您來白河除了可以賞蓮、泡湯、還可以飽足一頓。 超好吃的合菜才1500元哦,很適合全 房地產家或者同學們。另外!龍泉食堂也有接遊覽車的生意哦!    荷葉香飯  荷葉圓連連,包起了蓮子和米香更有味道,要吃「巧」的,點心時間最佳選擇?節能燈具C 「荷葉」具有特殊的香氣,用濃郁米香、蓮子綿密細緻的口感、加入調味料搭配荷葉特殊香氣,再放在蒸籠上蒸熟後,有著一股濃郁的荷葉芬香四處飄散,就是一道美味可口風味 澎湖民宿餐點。  .

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          看完後你就知道女孩子是不是真心喜歡你 看完後你就知道女孩子是不是真心喜歡你 1.真正愛你的女孩,在別人面前總是野蠻,只會為你溫柔, 系統傢俱眼淚特別多. 2.真正愛你的女孩,總是會對你說別抽煙,盡管她知道你改不了,還是不耐 酒店經紀煩的說. 3.真正愛你的女孩,無時無刻都想知道你在干什麼. 4.真正愛你的女孩,會為你晚回家而著急,然後?襯衫ㄟ悸熊鳩A手機撥電話,直到手機沒電. 5.真正愛你的女孩,不會管你錢,而你自然會心甘情願的把所有錢都給她. 6.真正愛 酒店兼職你的女孩,不許你在她面前誇別的女孩子漂亮,也許她心裡也那麼想,但是不許你在她面前那麼說. 7.真正愛你的女孩,會想盡辦法給你好吃 永慶房屋的東西,因為她們願意和分享一切她們最好的. 8.真正愛你的女孩,會在你氣她的時候,默不作聲,然後紅著臉,嘟著嘴,等你去哄她. 9.真正愛你的女孩,有 婚禮顧問時候會在你面前變得無理取鬧,撒嬌任性. 10.真正愛你的女孩,會特別在意你在兄弟面前的面子. 11.真正愛你的女孩,不會跟你生氣,總是假裝生氣,你說兩句好話便 房屋貸款馬上開心真正愛你的女孩,如果你總是在她面前提到她和別的男生,她會馬上淚如雨下. 12.真正愛你的女孩,記得所有你們一起有意義的日子,並且為你送上驚喜. 13.真正愛你的女孩,希望你在每年 網路行銷生日的時候都許下同一個願望,就是永遠和她在一起真正愛你的女孩,不會干涉你太多,她們願意永遠做你背後的女人. 14.真正愛你的女孩,她的一切都在證明,你是她生命中唯一的男人 15.真正愛你的女孩 濾桶,會提醒你做人要講文明,看完別人的貼,不管男人女人,回帖的才是好人! .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 西裝  .

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